Cryogenic centrifugal pumps Cryomade ™
Cryomade Centrifugal single stage and multi stage pumps with labyrinth and mechanical seal
Cryomade centrifugal pumps are typically used in air separation plants to pressurize cryoproducts (oxygen, nitrogen, argon, hydrogen, helium, natural gas) and circulate them in the system. Cryogenic centrifugal pumps are used to pump liquefied gases from storages and tankers and subsequently to deliver cryoproduct from tanks to the consumer (for example, filling of cryogenic semi-trailers of tanks). The multistage design of the Cryomade pump significantly increases its head as compared to the single-stage design.
Main technical parameters
Flow range: 5-500 m3/h
Head: 10- 1100 m
Speed: 960-5000 rpm
Liquids (gases): LO2, LN2 , LAr, LNG/CNG and others